Finally It Is Important to Emphasize

Finally, it is important to emphasize that, strictly mentioning Peru’s international businesses, there has been an increase in sales of certain products in times of pandemic, obtaining greater acceptance for their properties or characteristics; With this, it is conclud that the essence of entrepreneurship is bas on being able to find opportunities where others see threats. Two hundr entrepreneurs were train in “Economic and Financial Empowerment” techniques by our teachers and students from the Faculty of Business with the purpose of promoting financial ucation, report María Jeanett Ramos, specialist coordinator of the Banking and Financial Administration degree .

Entrepreneurs of Peru

According to the Ministry of Production , in 2020, 30. 9% of microbusinesses access the regulat system when carrying out a crit operation. However, for 2021 this figure was ruc to 13. 1%, according to the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance of Peru (SBS) . This suggests the ne to promote financial ucation and make information accessible to business database entrepreneurs. Committ to social well-being, our initiative was recogniz by the III Competitive Fund for Social Responsibility and Sustainability 2022 . The successful experience will continue to be replicat under the “ Train the trainers ” methodology, which prepares a company’s trainers.

Gave the Talk “How to

buciness database

This technique is consider a good practice for financial ucation by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) . María Jeanett Ramos highlights the importance of improving the level of financial ucation of entrepreneurs. “Peruvian microentrepreneurs ne to receive training to face the challenges of the market, better manage their expenses and distinguish themselves from the competition,” she indicat. This FJ Lists initiative seeks to enhance the knowlge, attitudes and skills of attendees. “For an entrepreneur it is important to formalize his project and always differentiate his personal finances from the company’s finances,” says the coordinator.

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