Desktop console that enables agents to easily


Manage conversations. Here are three ways smartassist will redefine contact center experiences leveraging the industry’s most advanced and comprehensive innovations: the power of automation. Smartassist is the industry’s first ai-native platform that is built from the ground up using kore.Ai’s patented natural language understanding (nlu) innovations. Solutions developed on these innovations have helped customers automatically resolve their issues via voice or digital channels with containments rates reaching as high as 90%! This meansof customer issues. Can be resolved by a virtual assistant, without the need to talk to an agent.

Workbench this not only delivers

Significant costs savings, it also increases csat (satisfaction) and nps (customer experience or cx) scores. Smartassist is also the only contact center solution in the industry to leverage its ai/nlp technologies to intelligently orchestrate customer requests through automation, deflection to chat or live agent escalation. This uniquely delivers and Finland Business Email List optimized experience for customers and agents alike! The power of agent assistance. Smartassist uniquely empowers agents. To provide extraordinary customer experiences with a unified agent workspace (or agent desktop) and a virtual. Assistant dedicated to “assist” an agent. While he/she in a live conversation with.

B2B Email List

A customer or agentassist leading

To an increase in csat, decrease in agent attrition and reduced support costs. The agent desktop provides a single workspace for all conversations. With robust features like agentassist, chat collaboration between peers and managers, escalation to chat/video and co-browse, agents have everything they need to deliver the best customer Fjlists service. Workbench key capabilities of agentassist a key capability of agentassist is that it listens to the customer conversation in voice or chat and provides suggestions to the agent including real time answers to faqs. Request for information from the customer and then executes the request with back-end systems. And completes the transaction.


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