The PublicidAD Newspaper celebrates its VIII Programmatic Advertising

This October 26, the PublicidAD Newspaper organized the VIII Programmatic Advertising Forum. An event that brought together a large number of professionals who are experts in this matter and who provided the audience with all the news on the matter. The event was followed by more than 1,000 people live. The first to take the stage at Callao City Lights were Daniel Gozlán. Managing Director Spain and Gonzalo de La Paz , Programmatic Client Success Specialist at Ogury. Who explained that classifying audiences based on interests and conducting millions of surveys that validate the data allows you to create a framework of audience knowledge.

Netpuno and the Santiago Bernabéu, present at the forum

Sergio Martín , Country Manager top industry data at Adform. Invited the audience of the Programmatic Advertising Forum to imagine a trip to Neptune. Therefore, the figures surrounding this route in terms of kilometers and duration are similar to the number of bids that are seen daily and that come from numerous browsers. « The cookie door is closing. But the user door is open». Next, Javier Mata Amado , Programmatic Sales Manager at Alayans Media compared programmatic with the works at the Bernabéu stadium. Therefore, in constant transformation to provide the best service. His entire intervention revolved around this simile.

The influence of advertising on purchases

The next FJ Lists speaker to speak at the Programmatic Advertising Forum of the PublicidAd Newspaper was Benito Marín , Senior Manager, Customer, Success Spain and Portugal at Intregal Ad Science. He explained how the consumer works when making purchases and how advertising influences them. For his part, Ramón Suso , Audience Architect & Digital Director at Havas Media Group. Therefore, focused his intervention on the presentation of a real case and for this he was accompanied by Verónica Revilla. Therefore, head of Digital Media and AdTech at Telefónica de España. The objective was to communicate the change of miMovistar to everyone.

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