The latest XO Platform Release

We all agree that customer-centric experiences are. Critical for businesses to stay ahead of their competition; for that matter, even employee. Experiences play an equally crucial role. But the missing piece of the puzzle is, how do you best improve the experiences? Technology has a big role to play; ai-first virtual assistants and process assistants help you automate front-office and back-office interactions and thus optimize experiences. The kore.Ai experience optimization (xo) platform is a no-code platform enabling business users to develop fully-functional. Virtual assistants and process assistants without writing a single line of code.

The latest platform release has many

Enhanced features and updates to offer. Let’s dig into the new release – effortlessly develop multilingual virtual assistants enhance your customer and employee. Experience by communicating with them in their preferred language. The latest platform update lets you enable multilingual virtual assistants automatically. You only need to train Malta Business Email List the virtual assistant in one of your preferred languages. And the language-agnostic nlp models start engaging the users in over 100 languages. Further, you can leverage auto-translation of the responses via translation services from google cloud or microsoft. Know more kore.Ai supports 100 languages-1 optimize.

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Performance with conversation

Testing end-to-end validation of the assistant’s skills ensures the best experience for the customers and improves roi. The conversation testing tool allows you to validate the virtual assistant’s interaction flows across dialog and knowledge graph intents. Record the test cases, execute them, and analyze the test results. Know more conversation testing Fjlists  tool efficiently manage lifecycle of knowledge graph intents there are times when you do not want to present specific information to your users. For example, changes to business policies. Non-availability of particular products and services, etc. To help you achieve this, knowledge graph now supports disabling.


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