Link Google Analytics and Google Search Console


This is one of the best steps you can take to improve your website’s SEO. Google Search Console (GSC) is a tool created to monitor websites. You might ask, “Isn’t it the same as GA?” No. GSC provides slightly different information than GA.

GA tells you everything about visitors to your site. GSC allows you to monitor the performance of your website. Is something specific not working properly?

GSC tells you. You can use this information to troubleshoot problems on your website before they inconvenience your users and affect search engine performance.

GSC can help with SEO in a variety of ways. For example, this tool helps improve the crawlability of your website.

Want to measure your SEO performance

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, crawlability refers to the time it takes search engines to find Ws Data your site. A lower crawlability means your website will take more time to be discovered by Google bots.

How does GSC work with GA?
GSC is a great tool on its own, but it becomes even more useful when coupled with GA. Once connected, you will see much more detailed reports and information that you can use to improve your SEO.

For example, GSC can also tell you detailed information about your browsing data. How are people finding your site and what search terms are they using? You can use this information to improve your SEO by using better keywords.

Upgrade to Google Analytics 4

You can also find in-depth information about the types of users who visit your site. This information includes the type of device from which the user accesses the website. Are there few cell phone users? If so, this is a good sign that your website is mobile phone friendly.

There are many reasons to set up Google FJ Lists Analytics. Even putting SEO aside for a moment, GA plays a key role in identifying your audience. Competitors are already using GA to deliver better experiences, interactive marketing, and more. Don’t fall behind.

GA is also essential in making your website more SEO friendly. As you’ve seen here, this tool is packed with features that can help you improve your site’s search engine performance.

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