Lack of public understanding


 To respondContent marketing: 10 mistakes to avoid and guarantee results Felipe Sobreira By Felipe Sobreira November 4, 2018 The term “content marketing”, whether as a strategy or discipline, is already part of the vocabulary of anyone involv with marketing. And this approach has been propagat as a necessity for any company, regardless of its size or digital maturity. Inde, there is truth in this. Content marketing is powerful and brings many results. But, if done improperly, it doesn’t work and ends up causing losses and – even worse – discriting digital marketing in the face of companies that are starting to enter this area.

What is the expect return

So what differentiates a successful content marketing strategy from one that doesn’t work? Let’s find out! The rise of Content Marketing Why invest in content? What is the expect return? Content marketing or SEO? Because it does not work 1. Lack of public understanding 2. Unmapp Keywords 3. Search intent not consider 4. Unoptimiz content 5. Unmeasur content 6. Bad website 7. Lack of content promotion 8. No backlink strategy 9. Non-existent consistency 10. Lack of company involvement Don’t separate Content Marketing from SEO The rise of Content Marketing I believe  Latest database that the concept of inbound marketing is not new to you, which is summariz simply in the diagram below, creat by the Hubspot group : Hubspo.

The concept of inbound was

 Inbound Marketing Without much pretense of being faithful to the origin of the concepts, we could speculate that content marketing is a sub-discipline of inbound marketing . More specifically, a subdiscipline that is link to the first stage of the funnel shown above, the “attraction” part. The concept of inbound was explor by Hubspot back in 2008, and was bas on a relatively simple insight: Consumers don’t want to be interrupt. In other words, he beat traditional communication and marketing, bas on television, magazines and other older channels. These channels sustain themselves through interruption. You are watching a program, reading FJ Lists an article and the advertiser comes and interrupts the program and shows an ad.

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