Manage your meetings build a vault to preserve knowledge kora helps one build a personal knowledge base. It will allow us to save the information securely by restricting. Access to others. While working in teams, we can build a knowledge base for. The entire departments to save project reports, team trackers, or feature lists, and allows. The teammates to access the content. Comment, and collaborate. Similarly, enterprises can also build. An exclusive repository at an enterprise level. All the employees within the organization can access the content here. Enterprises can use this to save policy.
Documents or corporate presentations
More kora understands enterprise requirements. All this comes with stringent security checks and balances in place. Outline the content in style we can enjoy the convenience of capturing knowledge in different ways and formats. Kora gives Barbados Business Email List us a variety of options – web plug-in whenever we come across useful content, we will no longer have to save the url/content in separate docx for further usage. With kora knowledge capture browser plug-in. We can easily capture the required information in the form of bookmarks, screenshot. Selection, or simplified text. We can tag it with relevant hashtags and share it with individuals and teams.
Kora notes we can leverage kora
To create personal notes. Tell kora “create knowledge” or access the knowledge panel from the skills menu. We can take meeting notes, use it to scribble, build a piece of knowledge, or write an article. Kora offers a rich editor with the necessary Fjlists formatting tools. We can add titles, images, hyperlink the text, tag people, and share it with teams. Or individuals with pre-set read/write permissions. Knowledge email I would want to save content right from your inbox. Kora got it covered – configure. Your knowledge email from the profile settings as. Forward the email thread to the configured email address.