Toolset And as I already mentioned above

 subscribing to the newsletter, making a purchase in our e-commerce, subscribing to membership, resetting a password, creating an account, etc. For ease of understanding, they are “ confirm your subscription ”, “ access your account ”, “ change your password ” or “ purchase confirm ” type automatic “ email, to name a few examples. You can then integrate your website and configure the sending of such emails, which is necessary depending on your business type.

Oxygen offers you, from the Conditional

 Segmentation segmentation allows you to create custom filters for users who meet one or more conditions. For latest database example, you can create a segment in this way, i.e. a Spanish user who has not opened my email in the past days by “ or a user who has clicked on a specific email but has not purchased a product by ”. Do you see the potential? Therefore, the sub-category is divided into: by interest( label): User tag is one of the best options that email marketing and automation tools can have.

option to the integration with ACF or Toolset

 As a result, we will be able to group our users on any aspect that we believe is of interest, such as those who sign up for webinars, those who purchase specific products, those who subscribe to our lead magnets, and so on. I have told you this All transmissions FJ Lists consume server bandwidth. If the hosting plan provides you with lower transmission restrictions, be careful as it may affect the performance of your website and subject you to hosting “.

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