Today customers are


Today customers are The removal of the images by order of the judge but also to the payment of a sum of money in favor of the children. Thus Italy follows the path already mark in Europe, where the punishments are much more severe . In France, for example, the violation of privacy by parents towards their minor children entails a fine of thousand euros and imprisonment of up to one year. The legal principle behind bans and removal orders is simple. Article of the Copyright Law (Law ) warns that a person’s image cannot be exhibit without his or her consent, subject to exceptions.

The same provides for

Legislative Decree regarding the processing seo expate bd of personal data. The photograph and video , like any other identifying element, are personal data and cannot be disclos without the authorization of the interest party . Furthermore, minors enjoy strengthen protection given by article of the Convention on the Rights of the Child approv in New York on November and ratifi in Italy with law . And children are no exception! Articles and of the Civil Code impose on parents a duty of care and ucation towards them which, translat and updat in digital communication,

Includes the correct

Management of the minor’s public image . If FJ Lists parents do not respect these laws, the judge can intervene with a sentence to protect minors due to the risk of overexposure on social mia. Finally it should be clear that it is forbidden to publish photos and videos of minors online and in social networks. However, I would like to use a different verb from “ban” and I would like to use this expression: it is more sensible and ucational not to publish photos and videos of minors online. To protect them, to respect them, to allow them to decide about their future when they are adults: these are the reasons why it is not permissible for me to publish a photo of my.

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