Here we compare


Here we compare  By running ads on the people you are prospecting, you multiply the touchpoint your prospects have with your brand and increase the chances to get a reply. Linkedin Sales Navigator offers 3 different plans: Core Advanced xample here. Advanced Plus For now, we only covered the features of Sales Navigator Core. Let’s explore the functionalities of Advanced and Advanced Plus so you can see if it can benefit your business. How To Use Sales Navigator Advanced? Sales Navigator Advanced costs $149.99   month.

It offers everything

Included in Core plus. How to use saved lead seo expate bd searches to generate leads The process is pretty straightforward. Every week, Sales Navigator will send new leads corresponding to your search results. It means that every Monday when you get to work you can these new leads to your linkedin outreach campaigns. Simple as that. But there is a trick to it. You can make this technique even more efficient is you use specific filters. I call them the “Icebreaker Filters”: Following your company View your profile recently Changed Jobs Posted on Linkedin Mentioned in the news icebreaker filters sales navigator.

The filters give you

Information FJ Lists on something that just happened to your prospect. You can use this info to craft a message that will land in the perfect timing for your prospect Example of icebreakers you can use with this filters “Just notice you started following our company” “Just noticed you visited my profile recently” “Just noticed you started a new position. Congratulations.” “I saw your last post on Linkedin about X” “I’ve come across this article in which you are mentioned” EtcThis will instantly make you stand out from the tons of bad linkedin prospecting messages your prospects receive every day. Most importantly, you are saying some true about them and that’s the best way to begin a relationship.

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