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How many if Ikea can do it Beaver. You can learn to repair or have it done for free. Why buy something new when your own product lasts longer? Outdoor giant Bever is also making a statement against Black Friday this year. Instead of giving discounts, the chain encourages its customers to use the items they already have for longer, by maintaining them well and repairing them for free on the days around Black Friday. ‘For a longer lifespan of your products, For Future Fridays’. Outdoor brand Patagonia would also not be Patagonia if they insist again this year to buy fewer products from Patagonia and in general. This message fits naturally with their mission statement: ‘We are in business to save our home planet.

That’s the issue with newsletters

Patagonia regularly provides maintenance tips to make their clothes last longer and employs people to repair their products. The launch of ‘Worn Wear’ also fits in with this mission, a kind of marketplace for Patagonia stuff. Patagonia’s “Director photo editor of Philosophy” said in a recent interview with Vogue : “Our focus this holiday season will be on Worn Wearand DIY repairs. We make a lot of new clothes, but the message we want to emphasize – especially at a time of year when people feel compelle to buy a lot of stuff – is that there is an alternative. This can be done in this way: with second-hand and upcycle clothing soot.

They seem to be very important

Sustainable must-have: a circular bicycle from Roetz Circular bicycle brand Roetz, base in Amsterdam-Noord, is an example of a small company that does things differently during Black Friday† They already sell bicycles made from parts from old, discarde bicycles and bicycle materials all year round. In the factory are showroom bikes that FJ Lists  are only use for test rides. And although these are also made from old bicycles and are therefore already being reuse, they can easily be use again: by a new owner. Roetz calls on her followers to share concrete, sustainable tips via Instagram recycling clothes, collecting rainwater, etc.

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