How To Prepare Your Business for Black Friday in 2023

However, police nicknamed Big Friday “Black Friday” after shoppers caused multiple traffic jams. The name stuck even though retailers didn’t care for it.

Despite its rather inglorious name, Black Friday became popular in the United States and worldwide. It has been America’s biggest shopping day since 2001.

Even so, it could be more than a one-day event for your business if you plan it right. Properly leveraged, Black Friday can boost site traffic and sales in the long run. It also has the potential to build brand loyalty that will grow your customer base.

Create A Black Friday Landing Page

In 2021, online traffic went up by 37 percent on Black Friday and 21 percent on Cyber Monday. Is your website prepared to handle an influx of visitors? If not, now’s the Whatsapp Data time to set up stable, reliable web hosting.

View your website on various devices to make sure that it’s responsive and loads fast. If it’s too slow, you’ll lose shoppers to your competitors. People won’t wait for your site if they’re worried about other deals passing them by.

You’ll also want to make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices. It needs to be easy to view and navigate on any screen. This boosts online sales and even improves your standing in search engine results.

Check your online store to ensure that it’s optimized and compelling. Are there attractive photos of your products from various angles? As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth 1,000 words.”

Use meta tags for all of your product images. It’s a free, effective way to optimize your site for search engines.

Do you have online product reviews? If not, consider offering current customers a freebie or discount in exchange for an honest review. Positive reviews will build trust in your brand and help you attract new customers.

Strengthen Your Marketing Efforts

Optimizing your site for search engines will pay off when the big day arrives. There are many ways to accomplish this, including paid advertising and link building. However, one particularly effective method is content marketing.

Content marketing builds brand name recognition and promotes your business as an industry leader. This boosts your SEO and increases the number of people who visit your site. It often results in a higher conversion rate.

If your business doesn’t have a blog yet, now’s the FJ Lists time to start one. Make a schedule and create engaging content on a regular basis.

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