Because, what they’re doing


    That’s the key, they must always learn something new about you. is archiving all this stuff, and maybe half the stuff they found that they really like. I think if someone is listening

Seminar environment so as


  That advantage has erod over time, as Google and Google are democratizing the availability of third-party data. I think it’s getting back to where we’ve been before. It’s like companies that have a lot

According to the LexisNexis website


On OnStar’s website. While the statement mentions the possibility of sharing collected data with third parties, it does not specifically name insurance companies, and the text generally strives for maximum vagueness. In the process, LexisNexis

United States often migrate, so similar practices


Hyundai and Ford in its telematics sales service description. Source As a result, many motorists find themselves effectively locked into a car insurance policy, the cost of which depends on driving habits. It’s just that

U.S. drivers are also advised to


won’t make it easy or even impossible for you to turn off telematics. If you’re ready to consider the possibility of your car collecting data on you for third parties (or simply, spying), read our

Dry facts like “Your browser was connected


Titlington Year Month Day Googerteller lets you hear the sounds of stalking We all know we are being stalked online, but the scale is still shocking—at least when the scale is properly communicated.  to ad

User Interface


They search for more information about a product or brand. . Discovered after a certain brand or company was circulated. Nearly half of respondents preferred video content and images. Half of those surveyed said they

Error Code: What It Means and How to Fix It


The HTTP 400 Bad Request error code signals a problem with the client’s request to the server. It’s a generic client-side error indicating that the server couldn’t understand the request due to malformed syntax or

The Power of SMS Message Marketing for Your Business


  In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, SMS message marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses seeking to engage their audience directly and effectively. With the capability to reach customers instantly, SMS marketing offers

Google Duel


Overall, a competitive portfolio is a comprehensive plan that helps a business compete effectively in the market against its competitors. Competitive analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses and develops business differentiation plans to help businesses gain